Green Star Chef’s

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Our first industry initiative is for chef’s that run or want to run a sustainable restaurant.

The Michelin Guide has started to give out green stars or green clovers to restaurants around the world. We have put together a program to help restaurant around the world to become as sustainable as possible.

The first step to be part of The Green Star Chef’s is to take responsibility for all employees and their emissions. This is done through membership in the 100% Together Community at a price of € 50 per employee. This is a one-time membership contribution that are put into a pool where we build up environmental credits that all have are part of the 100% Together Cooperative.

Pioneering Sustainability with “A Euro for the Earth”


Michelin Green Star restaurants are recognized not just for their culinary excellence but also for their commitment to sustainability. Building upon this prestigious acknowledgment, EcoSpera introduces a transformative initiative specifically tailored for these pioneers in the culinary world: “A Euro for the Earth.” This program invites Michelin Green Star restaurants to deepen their impact on sustainability by adding 1 euro to the bill of every guest, directly funding environmental projects that tackle Scope 3 emissions and promote global sustainability efforts.

Program Overview

“A Euro for the Earth” is designed to seamlessly align with the values and operations of Michelin Green Star restaurants, known for their dedication to ethical sourcing, waste reduction, and overall sustainability in the culinary field. By participating, these restaurants can extend their influence beyond the plate, contributing to meaningful environmental projects that reflect their commitment to a better planet.

The Scope 3 Challenge in the Culinary World

Restaurants, particularly those with a focus on sustainability, are uniquely positioned to address Scope 3 emissions—those indirect emissions that occur in their supply chain. From the procurement of ingredients to the disposal of food waste, every aspect of a restaurant’s operations can influence its carbon footprint. “A Euro for the Earth” offers a straightforward yet impactful way for Michelin Green Star restaurants to engage in carbon offsetting initiatives, enhancing their sustainability profile and engaging customers in their environmental mission.

How It Works

  • Simple Contribution Mechanism: The initiative adds a voluntary contribution of 1 euro per customer to the bill of each diner, dedicated to financing selected environmental projects.
  • Focused on High-Impact Projects: Contributions support a curated portfolio of projects, including reforestation, renewable energy, sustainable agriculture, and more, each carefully chosen for its potential to reduce carbon emissions and promote biodiversity.
  • Engaging Diners in the Sustainability Journey: By involving diners directly in the contribution process, restaurants not only raise awareness about the importance of sustainability but also empower customers to be part of the solution.

Benefits for Michelin Green Star Restaurants

  • Enhanced Sustainability Leadership: Strengthen your position as a leader in sustainability within the culinary world, showcasing a commitment that extends beyond the kitchen.
  • Increased Customer Engagement: Offer guests an opportunity to contribute to global sustainability efforts, enhancing their dining experience and loyalty.
  • Transparent Impact Reporting: Gain access to detailed reports on the projects funded through the initiative, providing tangible examples of your restaurant’s contribution to the environment.

Joining “A Euro for the Earth”

Michelin Green Star restaurants are invited to join “A Euro for the Earth” and lead the way in the culinary industry’s shift towards greater sustainability. By integrating this simple yet powerful initiative into your operations, you can make every meal served a step towards a healthier planet.


“A Euro for the Earth” is more than just a program; it’s a movement within the culinary world towards deeper sustainability and environmental stewardship. Michelin Green Star restaurants have the opportunity to set a new standard in the industry, proving that exceptional dining can go hand in hand with making a positive impact on the planet. Join us in this journey towards sustainability, one euro, one diner, one meal at a time.

You can find the complete program at The official launch was on March 31st 2024.

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